Flying through

Wednesday, 26 February 2014

HeliExpo Day Two

Bell 429 on wheels
Day two was surprisingly short of press briefings, they were all done on day one - with the exception of Sikorsky. We had a round-up of the position of Sikorsky so far - still owned and if on the market currently unsold. Followed by a look at what is to come - more X2 technology in both military and commercial sectors, aiming at lower costs and higher revenues for their customers etc

Then a few photos sessions and the lovely Russian three or so hours.
The Russian hour included a pilot who had flown his R66 (with another and a total of four pilots) to the North Pole, round the world 40,000 miles including Fiji, and was about to embark on another round the world of 50,000 miles. His stories included being banned from USA airspace as Russian registered aircraft were not allowed there, and being able to overcome this prohibition thanks to a really kind American called Bob.

AW109 Trekker on skids
So, here we have two new helicopters: the AW 109 on skids and, conversely, the Bell 429 on wheels - we are never happy with what we had already, are we.

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