Flying through

Tuesday, 14 February 2012

Day three HeliExpo HAI Dallas 525 cockpit details.

Bell525 cockpit details
Finally got time to sit in the Bell 525 cockpit. Here it is, notice the side-sticks for both cyclic and collective, and the touch screen controls - see picture detail. The big screens are not touch control as, the instrumentation expert explained, the vibration in any helicopter cockpit makes it too tricky to touch screens without an unsupported wrist. Note that next to the touch-screen there is a support on the arm-rest - looked like a well-thought-out cockpit to me.
Apparently, the touch screen is very intuitive and anything you need to do never involves more than three steps.
Here is a picture of the seat in the cockpit with its special tracks. The aim is for easy egress (sic) from the cockpit, but while still allowing the pilot to get close to the screen.
The current idea is that it will be single pilot flying from the left by day and from the right by night - at least that is what I understood from the expert in the left-hand seat. The whole cockpit is NVG compatible.

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