As usual the first day at HeliExpo was busy but fascinating, though I would not suggest there is much real news. However, in this case, I would say No News is Good News.
Eurocopter had a good year in 2012. Revenues were up 15%, not because they sold more helicopters, in fact they sold fewer, but because the ones they did were more expensive and because they have improved their customer service side so much that it brought in 40% of the revenue. They are continuing with their ecological helicopter drive and this time 'launched' the EC145T2.
EC145T2 |
Lynn Tilton, MD Helicopters, had also had a best ever year. This is, she said, because she had finally managed to achieve all the Ps: product, people and process. She always had a good product, but now she had brought in the best people and this led to a good process. There is an element of repetition here, as I remember her wonderful team being praised a few years ago; only then they were a different team.
She has a good shot at the Armed Aerial Scout contract, and she also believes that "this is the year of the NOTAR" and that the MD902 will finally come into its own. At the moment there are around 100 out there, but this is the time to push forward and create more opportunities.
Dress wise, as this is always a Tilton issue, she was wearing an army fatigues dress made by one of her '75 companies'. Someone asked, "didn't it used to be 77?" Or at least 76?
Lynn Tilton and her managers |
Sikorsky had had a good year - blimey no one has been affected by the economy or sequestration, how lucky they all are!
2012 profits were up 100 million $s. Oddly, in spite of that Jeff Pino the former CEO got the heave ho, but the new chap Mick Maurer seemed to know his stuff at least and performed well.
Sikorsky are looking at three challenges:
a. The Combat Armed Helicopter,
b. The Presidential Helicopter
c. The Armed Aerial Scout.
They think they have a good shot at all of them. The Presidential Helicopter suits Sikorsky well because they are looking for a basic helicopter into which they can add the necessary software without putting up the price to Heaven. Of course, they will win that one but Agusta only really have themselves to blame for losing the last contract by allowing the price to rocket and not doing anything to keep it down. Perhaps they were stuffing too many brown envelopes even then!
Agusta also had a good year, needless to say, after all what is a prosecution here and there. But it is hard for me to say much more about them at the moment as I fell asleep in the press conference along with the rest of the journos. Say what you like about old Orsi and his fast moving hands but he kept one awake at least.
More tomorrow and in the magazine Helicopter Life out in Spring - late March, early April.